Guatemala City was not particularly scenic, though it had some nice areas. I was there for only a day, so there are only a few pics here...

Downtown Guatemala City...

Parque Central...

Catedral Metropolitana (across the street from Parque Central)...

Catedral Metropolitana viewed from Parque Central...

One of numerous food stalls in Parque Central (this one selling rather malodorous MEAT)...

Royal palms in Parque Central...

Zona 4 (a decent neighborhood a few miles south of downtown)...

A botanical garden in Guatemala City (unfortunately, this had limited hours, so I could only look through the gates)...

Another view (with a red cloak shrub to the right, an Oreopanax in the background and an African tulip tree dropping blooms from above)...

An unusual church (Capilla de Nuestra Señora de las Angustias/Chapel of Our Lady of Sorrows) in Zona 4 (almost looks Russian)...

Entrance of that church...

All of the above pictures on this page were taken in October 2008 by Brandt Maxwell.

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Copyright ©2008 Brandt Maxwell.